Bingo Event Cabal PH Guide


Hello Cabalistas! Welcome to your guide on the Bingo Event in Cabal PH. And yes, Bingo is back once again. We will be exploring the Bingo UI found at Yul and how to complete or collect the required task at the bingo event.

  • Bingo Board

Let’s start with our board first. Each board has a date and time duration where you need to complete all the task required at the board. This duration may vary depending on the Cabal PH Event.




  • To complete the task on the box. Just do what it requires you to do. Whether it’s from upgrading Chaos Equipment or entering Forgotten Temple B1F.
  • Every Board has a different task for you to complete and of course every box has a reward for you to enjoy after every completed box. Rewards vary upon completion.
  • If you want to see the rewards of the particular box. Just click on the box to show the rewards. But if you fancy on completing the box without doing the task, you can consider paying for the box by Force Gems by pressing ok after viewing the rewards.








To get the gift prize located at the left and below the board, you must complete all the lines Vertically and Horizontally to get the gift prize.


If find the next board looks appealing, you can change you board by also paying the required amount of force gem.



Changing the board will lose your previous completed task. So be mindful upon changing your boards!

You can also use the refresh button to reset your current board. This also cost gems BTW. All of your completed task will return to the board to complete again.

