Merge Date: March 18, 2021 (Tentative)
Server to Merge: Crux to Draco
Server Merge Guidelines and Conditions:
- If the number of characters in a server exceeds the maximum number after the server merge, the character(s) will be deleted according to the conditions below
i. Delete the character(s) with lower level
ii. If the levels are the same, delete the character(s) with lower EXP
iii. If the levels and the EXPs are the same, delete the character(s) that are created later
– If ‘Character Slot Extender #7’ was used in either server, the maximum number of character in a server increases by 1
– If ‘Character Slot Extender #9’ was used in either server, the maximum number of character in a server increases by 1
2. If character/guild names are duplicated in a server after the server merge, the names can be changed according to the conditions below
i. When changing the names the server number and the sequence number will be applied
– IGN(Jinghiro)+Server number(11)+Sequence number(3) (Ex: Jinghiro113)
3. Normally account-base information cannot be merged. Instead, one server’s information will be transferred/maintained
i. Condition A. If there is no server with the higher sum of levels, data from the Draco server will be transferred
ii. Condition B. If there is no server with the max. level character, if there is no server with the higher sum of levels, if there is no server with the higher sum of EXP, data from the Draco server will be transferred
4. Account-base information that can be merged will be merged as following
i. Merit scores will be merged, merit points will be offered accordingly, and the merit mastery will be reset
ii. Force Gem information will be merged, Force Gem from achievement rewards will follow Server merge rule #3
5. Platinum buff will follow the conditions below
i. The higher buff will be transferred/maintained
ii. If the buffs in two servers are equivalent, the duration will increase accordingly
6. Blessing Bead will follow the conditions below
i. The higher Blessing Bead will be transferred/maintained
ii. If the Beads in the two servers are equivalent, the duration will increase accordingly
7. Forcecalibur will follow the conditions below
i. The information of the Forcecalibur users in the base server will be transferred
8. Other information
i. Items on Agent shop will all be expired
ii. ‘Saint’s Forcecalibur’ item is transferable, but “Saint’s Forcecalibur’ owner alarm will be deleted
iii. Cash inventory is irrelevant with the server merge
iv. Nation War rewards will be reset
v. Attack power and Defense power will be reset, and will refresh when log in again
1) Account-base information
A. The following account-base information cannot be merged. Instead, one server’s account-base information will be transferred to another server
i. Information being transferred
– Agent shop ((includes targeted sales)
– User’s warehouse
– Shared achievements & titles
– Force Gem (achievement rewards)
– Costume bag
– CashShop durational items
– Event inventory
– Honor medal scores
– Guild treasure list
– Item collection
– Transformation card
– Extended Platinum Insignia slots, Special mastery
– Insignia mastery memorize extend count
– Event collection (achieved information)
– Forcecalibur candidates (challenge mission achieved counts)
B. The following account-base information can be merged. They will be merged as following
i. Insignia (Gold, Platinum) scores will be merged, relevant mastery points will be given, and the masteries will be reset
ii. Force Gems will be added
C. Platinum buff
i. The higher buff will be transferred/maintained
ii. If the buffs in two servers are equivalent, the duration will increase accordingly
D. If ‘Character Slot Extender #7’ was used in either server, the maximum number of character in a server increases by 1
E. If ‘Character Slot Extender #8’ was used in either server, the maximum number of character in a server increases by 1
F. Data that does not get transferred & deleted
i. In-game CashShop purchase limit condition information
ii. Agent shop favorites
iii. Dungeon daily play time information
iv. Dungeon daily entry count and reset information
v. Log in event
vi. Special inventory
vii. Mission festival
viii. Agent shop targeted sales conditions
ix. Secret shop
x. Challenge mission
2) Character-base information
A. Data that gets transferred to the new server
i. Character level, EXP
ii. Character STR, DEX, INT points
iii. Character Alz
iv. Character location (World and X, Y coordinates)
v. Character honor score (honor rank is decided by honor score)
vi. Character play time (min)
vii. Character nation
– Black Transmuter (30 Days) must be used within 1 month period (Item will disappear after the given period).
viii. Character achievements & titles
– Excludes account-base shared achievements & titles
– Excludes Guild-base titles
– Excludes Mission war-base titles
ix. Character birthday
x. Owned mercenaries
xi. Applied Blessing Beads & Bead custom
xii. Bike inventory item
xiii. Crafting request
– Recipe, amity
xiv. Crafting
– Category, energy
xv. Dungeon score
– DP
xvi. Gear, inventory item
xvii. Item appearance change
– Gear, inventory
xviii. Received mail
xix. Completed quest
xx. Quest in progress
xxi. Deleted quest
xxii. Skill
xxiii. Quick slot
xxiv. Soul ability
– Score (AXP, AP)
– Essence rune
– Blended rune
– Slot extension count
xxv. Mission battle standard score and win/lose count
xxvi. Mission battle history
xxvii. Attack/defense power
xxviii. PvP battle score and win/lose count
xxix. PvP battle history
xxx. Overlord
xxxi. Force wing
xxxii. Honor medal mastery
xxxiii. Guild dungeon reward
xxxiv. Guild memo
B. Data that gets transferred after being adjusted
i. Character name
– Duplicated names will be changed according to the server merge rule
a. When adjusted, the server number and the sequence number will be applied (Ex. Name_1_123)
– Rename Card Item given to all moved characters (by Mail).
– Rename Card must be used within 1 month period (Item will disappear after the given period).
– Characters not included in the merge will be deleted according to the server merge rule
ii. Friend list
– Duplicated names of the friends will be changed according to the server merge rule
– Characters not included in the merge will be deleted from the friend list according to the server merge rule
iii. Block list
– Duplicated names in the block list will be changed according to the server merge rule
– Characters not included in the merge will be deleted from the block list according to the server merge rule
iv. Achievement ranking
– The ranking will be recalculated with the merged achievements
v. Mission battle ladder ranking
– The ranking will be recalculated with the merged information
vi. PvP battle ranking
– The ranking will be recalculated with the merged information
C. Data that gets deleted
i. Achievements in one shot
ii. Cooltime
iii. Expiration time
iv. Dungeon clear rank
v. Dungeon box drop rate
vi. Upgrade point
vii. Gear lock
viii. ‘Saint’s Forcecalibur’ owner alarm
ix. Mission war score
x. Mission war rank
xi. Mission war title
– Bringer, Guardian
xii. Mail to all
xiii. Report mail
xiv. Mail sent
xv. Item sold in NPC shop
xvi. Buddy message
xvii. Deleted character list
xviii. Deleted mail
xix. Elite dungeon information
xx. Crafting favorites
xxi. Boss arena score, ranking and penalty
xxii. Mission war win streak and penalty
xxiii. Dungeon favorites
xxiv. Personal challenge mission
xxv. PvP history
3) Guild-base information
A. Data that gets transferred to the new server
ii. Guild level
iii. Guild score
iii. Guild introduction
iv. Guild homepage URL
v. Guild alarm
vi. Guild titles
vii. Guild warehouse
viii. Guild warehouse usage log
– Alz in and out
– Item in and out
– Guild reserve recharge log
ix. Guild reward log
x. Guild dungeon buff
xi. Guild treasure rank
B. Data that gets transferred after being adjusted
i. Guild name
– Duplicated guild names will be changed according to the server merge rule
a. When adjusted, the server number and the sequence number will be applied (Ex. Name_1_123)
– Guild Rename Card will be provided to the guild masters (by Mail, costs 0 Alz).
– Guild Rename Card must be used within 1 month period (Item will disappear after the given period).
ii. Guild member
– Characters not included in the merge will be deleted according to the server merge rule
– Duplicated names will be changed according to the server merge rule
– This includes Guild master as well
iii. Guild emblem
C. Data that gets deleted
i. Guild rank
ii. Attack/defense power
iii. Guild dungeon difficulty
4) Server-base information
A. Data that gets transferred to the new server
i. Forcecalibur owner
ii. Forcecalibur schedule
B. Data that gets deleted
i. Cash Shop information
ii. Log in event information
iii. Contents Control information
iv. Event collection information
v. The labyrinth (daily warp)
vi. The labyrinth (recently acquired item list)
[Server Transfer] Frequently Asked Questions
What can be transferred upon Server Transfer?
Q: Will all titles of the character title be removed?
A: Yes, except for:
- Crafting titles
- Honor Rank titles
- Accomplished Quests title
Q: Will the mission war title and earned score be removed?
A: Yes, mission war title and earned score will be removed.
Q: Will applied blessing beads/costume on the character be retained?
A: No, applied blessing beads/costume will not be retained.
Q: Will all items equipped to the character be retained?
A: Yes, all equipped items on the character will be retained.
Q: Will all items in character inventory be included in the process?
A: No, items in character inventory are not included in the process.
Q: Will all items in the warehouse be included in server transfer?
A: No, items in the warehouse are not included in server transfer.
Q: Will items in cash inventory be included in the transfer?
A: Items in cash inventory is account-based, so those are not included in the transfer.
Q: What is the maximum amount of Alz that will be transferred?
A: Maximum amount of Alz that can be transferred is 10 Billion Alz.
Q: How will the Guild Masters server transfer?
A: Guild Masters will only be qualified for server transfer if he disbands the Guild or if he entrusts the Guild Master authority to another character.
Q: What will happen to the guild list and buddy list?
A: Guild list and buddy list of the transferred character will be reset.
Q: Do I need to logout of my character for server transfer?
A: Yes, server transfer cannot be completed if the character selected is online.
Q: Will Mail be included in the transfer?
A: No, mail will not be included in server transfer.
Q: How long will it take to server transfer?
A: Transfer to another server will be applied instantly.
Q: Will the Item Collection and Honor Medal be included in the transfer?
A: No, Item Collection and Honor Medal will not be included.
Q: Will the Merit Points be included in the transfer?
A: You must click the “Transferring Merit Point” box to be able to transfer.
Q: Is server transfer also available for accounts using PlayID, FacebookID, and GoogleID logins?
A: No
Q: Is it possible to reverse server transfer?
A: The server transfer process is completed once your purchase the Server Transfer Item and is non-reversible.